Contoh text Daily activities

I have habitual action that I do everyday. This is my daily activities:

I get up early at 04.45 a.m in the morning. After get up, the first I do is turn lamp on, turn the alarm off, and charge my phone. Later, I drink mineral water. At 04.50 a.m I go to bathroom, I brought the towel into bathroom. after that I put off my uniform, I brush my teeth, brush my hair, and clean my body with soap. At 05.05 a.m I finished bathing, I go to bedroom for put on uniform, and comb my hair. After that I go back to bathroom for take a ritual ablution. And I go back to bedroom for pray subuh. after that I have a breakfast in dining room while watch television until 07.00 a.m. After that I press the snooze button. And I wake up at 9 a.m. later I prepare my subject for today. After that I go to bathroom for bath again, until 09.30 a.m I go to campus by motorcycle for about 6.6 miles from my home. I came to campus at 09.45 a.m. my class begins at 10 a.m. While waiting for the lecture, I chat with my friends in my class. When the lecture came in, we were all silent and listen to lecture teaching until at 11.30 a.m. after that I go to dormitory my friend behind of the campus. I take a rest in there until 12.00 p.m. After that I go to mosque with my friends for pray dzuhur for about 100 meter from dormitory. After come to mosque I take a ritual ablution and then I pray with other people, at 12.45 p.m I finished praying. I go back to dormitory; I have lunch with my friends until at 01.00 p.m. after that I go to campus for follow the second lesson until at 03.00 p.m. after that I go to home. When I came to my home, I take a bath, and then pray ashar. At 04.00 I help my parents, I clean my bedroom. At 06.00 p.m I pray magrib after that I have a dinner with my family in dining room. At 07.30 p.m I pray isya. At 08.00 i work my assignment in my bedroom until at 09.00 p.m. after that I watch television. And I sleep at 10.00 p.m.


Awalnya aku punya imange kalau kamboja itu identik dengan bunga kuburan, karena waktu kecil aku sering melihat bunga ini ditanam di kuburan..

tapi sisi keindahannya tetap ada dan mulai dilirik sebagai pajangan di taman-taman dan dibuat bonsai..
Bunga aneka warna dari yang merah, putih, dan pink juga menarik pandangan mata..
bahkan di Bali, sebagai perlengkapan upacara keagamaan. yakni kamboja putih jenis cendana..


Marhaban ya Ramadhan..
Alhamdulillah tahun ini masih bisa menjalankan ibadah puasa meski di awal, demam melanda..
semoga Allah senantiasa melimpahkan rahmatnya sampai akhir bulan yang penuh berkah ini,, Amin.

Pantai Baloyya di Pulau Selayar

PAntai ini berlokasi sekitar 10 km arah selatan kota Benteng, ibukota Kab. Selayar Kepulauan.Pantai ini terletak di pinggir jalan poros dan sangat mudah dijangkau dengan menggunakan kendaraan umum maupun kendaraaan pribadi. 
KAwasan ini sangat mudah dijangkau dan menawarkan tempat penginapann  ynag sangat memadai..

Pengalaman Hari pertama Roadblog 2011 idBlogilicious Network di Makassar

Contoh Kisi Soal UAS




JLN. Daud Dg. Lili No. 17 Tanetea Kec. Tamalatea Kab. Jeneponto Telp (0419) 2424872.  KP. 92351


Mata Pelajaran       : Bahasa Inggris                                                                                                                        Bentuk Soal           : essay test

Kelas/Program       : XI /IPA/IPS                                                                                                                           Jumlah Soal           : 20

Semester/MID     : Ganjil                                                                                                                                      Penyusun                :  Ridwan, S.Pd.

Tahun Pelajaran      : 2010-2011

No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Soal No.soal ket

5.2. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition

3.2.  Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)  resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari  dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure

6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam  esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition


  • Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca.
  • Mengidentifikasi kasus yang dibahas dalam teks
  • Mengidentifikasi argument yang diberikan
  • Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks dibaca
  • Merespon tindak tutur menasehati
  • Merespon tindak tutur memperingatkan
  • Merespon tindak tutur meluluskan permintaan
  • Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan
  • Menggunakan tindak tutur memperingatkan
  • Menggunakan tindak tutur meluluskan permintaan
  • Menggunakan kalimat adjective clause dalam menyampai sebuah narasi
  • Menggunakan kalimat past tense dalam membuat sebuah narasi
  • Menghasilkan teks berbentuk narative



The Problem of Being Fat

Being to fat is commonly known as overweight or obesity. It is simply defined as too much body fat inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of health problem

Being too fat is recognized as a major factor for heart disease. Due to the overweight, the heart will work harder. It can lead to heart attack. Furthermore, obesity potentially rises blood cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition,being too fat can change the amount of sugar in the blood. This will cause diabetes and other serious disease.

Beside all of that, being too fat is often avoided by many young women. They said that becoming too fat will bother they physical beauty appearance. More serious studies are necessary to see the effect of obesity. However it is clear enough that overweight is not good enough for healthy life

A.   Answer the question basa on the text above !

1.     What is the text about ?

2.    What is the other name of being fat ?

3.    What is the risk of overweight ?

4.    Mention the kind of diseases that may occur because of being fat ?

5.    Why did many young woman avoid of being fat ?

B.    What would you say if you are in the following situation

6.    Your head hit the wall

7.    Its already 10.00 p.m. father hasn’t come from his work yet. At 10.15 p.m. he knocked the door

8.    You got the first rank in the class

9.    You want to borrow your friend HP

10. Your friend’s weight has gone up again

C.    Complete the following legend story using the words in the box !

Seen                naughty boy               lived               fade            sailed 

Spoiled            an obedient                asked             called          followed

The legend of Karimunjava Island

Once upon time in Muria mountain, there live the family of Sunan Muria. Amir Hasan or called as sunan nyamplungan is the sun of sunan Muria.

He was very (1)…………by his mother. Because of that he become (2)……… then his father, sunan Muria asked him to study in kudus. He studied Islamic Religion  to his uncle,Sunan Kudus. After some time, he become(3)………young man. Sunan Muria was very proud of him

One day. Sunan Muria(4)……….Amir Hasan to go to somewhere to spread Islamic religion. His father asked him to go to an island that could be (5)……from Muria  Mountain. It was on the west-north of Jepara. This island seemed to be (6)……(kremun-kremun in javanese). And from that time,people (7)……….the island as Karimunjava Island

Amir Hasan (8)………. By his mate went to karimunjava Island. They (9)… the island day and night and finally they reached the island. Then they did what his father said. Amir Hasan and his people (10)………in the Island everafter






















Mengetahui :                                                                                                                                                                                  Tamalatea, 1 Des 2010

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Tamalatea                                                                                                                   Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. H. Abd. Hakim                                                                                                                                             Ridwan, S.Pd.

Nip.                                                                                                                                                                          Nip. 19790430 200502 1 002

Having Fun @ Trans Studio Makassar 040411

Jawaban Kuiz Parampa 1

Jawaban Kuis Parampaa

kuis Parampaa

Jawaban Kuis Parampaa – mau main kuisnya? bisa klik disini

level 1 : Klik kata “mulai”

level 2 : Pilih Jawaban “A”

level 3 : Pilih lingkaran di atas huruf “i”

level 4 : Pilih Jawaban “AY !!”

level 5 : Pilih Jawaban “B”

level 6 : Temukan kata berwarna “hijau” di antara kata berwarna merah

level 7 : Pilih Jawaban “Jali”

level 8 : Pilih “?” yang mirip dengan soal

level 9 : Ingat kombinasi warna yang ada karena bakal terus dipake, lalu klik “ingat”

level 10 : Pilih Jawaban “…hidup bercermin bangkai”

level 11 : Cari kata “mati” dalam matematika lalu klik

level 12 : Pilih Jawaban “10?

level 13 : Klik “13? pada tulisan level 13

level 14 : Masukkan kombinasi warna “merah-biru-kuning-merah-hijau”

level 15 : Geser mouse keluar layar, maka kepala kucing akan tertunduk, lalu klik “space” pada keyboard

level 16 : Lari ke “ujung kanan atas”

level 17 : “Gerakin cicaknya” sampai tujuan , tapi jangan sentuh warna lain

level 18 : Tulis kata “PANDA”

level 19 : Pilih jawaban “21?

level 20 : Pilih jawaban “D”

level 21 : Pilih jawaban “E”

level 22 : Potong kabel lebar berwarna “merah” di time counter

level 23 : Klik “23? di baris ke-3, ke-3 dr kiri

level 24 : Pilih latar warna “merah-biru-kuning-merah-hijau”

level 25 : Klik “lingkaran orange”, trus klo mau ke lingkaran satunya lg jgn lewat area permainan

level 26 : Klik “persegi panjang yang kiri bawah”

level 27 : Di bawah 3 lambang hati ada seekor “cicak”, tinggal di klik aja

level 28 : Cuma butuh gerakin cursor atas bawah

level 29 : Klo masih baru di level ini susun aja dulu gambarnya, trus ikutin tanda panah yang ke “bulatan”, klik “bulatannya”

level 30 : Pilih jawaban “20?

level 31 : Klik kiri “lingkaran orange” sebelah kiri, drag (jgn dilepasin) ke “lingkaran orange” sebelah kanan. Ada cara lain, lelet

level 32 : Pilih jawaban “TDAJ”

level 33 : Pilih jawaban “100001?

level 34 : Klik 3 “lambang hati” di pojok kanan atas

level 35 : Pencet tombol berwarna “merah-biru-kuning-merah-hijau”

level 36 : Drag tulisan “level 36?, dibelakangnya ada tombol

level 37 : Pilih jawaban “zibba”

level 38 : Tembak kepala “cowo”

level 39 : Pilih jawaban “level 39?

level 40 : Tekan tanda”->” di keyboard

level 41 : Klik tanda “!”

level 42 : “Tunggu” adengan oonnya selesai, jgn klik apa2

level 43 : Klik “NTB (Pulau Lombok)”

level 44 : Klik “1? pada soal 1=5

level 45 : Klik “45? pada tulisan level 45

level 46 : Pianonya memiliki urutan nada C D E F G A B, trus klik nada piano hingga membentuk kata “E G G”

level 47 : Tembak kepala “cowo”

level 48 : Tulis jawaban “11?

level 49 : Klik tulisan “run” sampai kepiting kabur ke kanan

level 50 : Tekan angka “1? di keyboard

level 51 : Lolosin kuncinya, jgn kena area berwarna “hitam”

level 52 : Drag tanda (-) ke tulisan level 52, jadinya “level 5-2?, trus klik tulisannya

level 53 : Tekan huruf “S” di keyboard

level 54 : Pilih jawaban “5?

level 55 : Ketik “anini” di keyboard

level 56 : Geser kata “bulan”, di belakangnya ada jawaban

level 57 : Geser bolak-balik mouse di bawah tanda “!!”

level 58 : Pilih warna “kuning”

level 59 : Pilih warna “kuning-hijau-orange-ungu-hijau-merah”

level 60 : Klik huruf “B” “O” “N” “O”

level 61 : Tekan piano dengan menulis “C A G E”

level 62 : Ga usah ngapa2in

level 63 : Klik tulisan “eve” pada tulisan level 62

level 64 : Pilih jawaban “parampaa”

level 65 : Pilih “Mr. Krab-Smurf-The Simpsons-Mr. Krab-Parampaa”

level 66 : Ketik “one” pada keyboard

level 67 : Klik tanda “.”, lalu klik “matahari”, lalu klik “pohon”

level 68 : Tekan “F1 dan F4? di bagian atas keyboard

level 69 : Klik huruf “A” pada kata heart

level 70 : Pilih jawaban “10?

level 71 : Tahan terus menerus “shift-6? sampe doraemon menghilang

level 72 : Tangkap angka “2?, drag ke samping angka 7

level 73 : Urutan storage awalnya 1-2-3-4-5, ubah ke 2-5-3-4-1

level 74 : Pilih “lingkaran-besar-kuning-tersenyum”

level 75 : Tembak kata “HER”

level 76 : Klik kanan layar, trus klik kiri, biar mousenya kelihatan, tekan bagian tengah “O” pada kata mouse, telusuri lalu klik

level 77 : Drag tulisan “mouse” ke tombol hijau, drag lagi ke persegi di sebelah kiri, klik perseginya

level 78 : Klik “jendela di villa” pas lampunya nyala

level 79 : Tulis “Try Again”

level 80 : Tulis “The Cranberries”

level 81 : Pilih jawaban “13?

level 82 : Pilih “OK”, drag bomnya, klik tulisan yang tertutup bom

level 83 : Tunggu hingga detik “ke-3?, akan ada tulisan “S7OP”, klik tulisan S7OP-nya

level 84 : Ketik “?” pada keyboard

level 85 : Ketik “level 85?, ketik “”, ketik “you’re welcome”

level 86 : Klik “bagian tengah lingkaran bagian bawah pada angka 8? tulisan “level 86?

level 87 : “Tunggu kuncinya masuk” dulu, lalu tekan “enter”

level 88 : Tekan “F8?, trus pilih “safe mode”

level 89 : Klik buku berwarna “Biru-Ungu-Kuning-Ungu”

level 90 : Pilih lambang “omega (kaya’ tapal kuda)” dan “69?

level 91 : Cuma butuh “kelincahan tangan dan kesabaran”

level 92 : Klik warna “hijau-merah-kuning-biru-merah”

level 93 : Hitung dengan cepat jumlah bola berwarna “merah”

level 94 : Klik “Budi”

level 95 : Tunggu sampai “latarnya warna hijau”, trus klik “lanjut”

level 96 : Klik “mata, bintik tangan, duri di kepala, latar merah, rumput”

level 97 : Klik “tombol merah”

level 98 : Butuh kecepatan tangan dan koordinasi mata yg baik, lingkaran terkecil ada di antara “level & 98?

level 99 : Gan karena menghargai kehebatan pembuatnya, gw ga langsung bocorin, “masuk aja twitternya (, liat arah jam 3?

password agar bisa loncat level

level 11 : eleven
level 21 : twenty1
level 31 : thirty1
level 41 : fourty1
level 52 : fifty2
level 67 : sunset
level 71 : dorayaki
level 80 : linger
level 90 : gomugomu

My Trip

Contoh Soal Try out UN SMA


TAHUNPELAJARAN  2009  /  2010


# Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!                                                                                                                                                                                      Reading 1

Once upon a time, there were four little rabbits.Their names were Flopsy,Mopsy, Cotton-Tail and Peter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go to Mr.McGregor’s garden because their father had an accident there.

Flopsy,Mopsy and Cotton-Tail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick blackberries. But Peter was Naughty. He ran straight away to Mr.Gregor’s garden. He ate some lectuces, French beans and radishes. Suddenly, he met Mr.McGregor. Peter was very frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was running. Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home. During the evening, he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother had bread, milk and blackberries for supper.

1.Who is the naughtiest rabbit?

a.Flopsy                                  c.Mopsy                                     e.Flopsy and Mopsy

b.Mopsy                                 d.Peter

2.What did Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton –Tail eat?

a.Carrot                                  c.Strawberries                         e.Bread

b.blackberries                       d.Lettuces.

3.What did Peter lose while he was running?

a.One of his shoes               c.Vegetables                            e.A part of shock

b.A book                                d.A pair of Shoes

4.Why did Peter get sick? Because….

a.He was so tired                c.He caught a cold                  e.He drank a medicine

b.He did not eat                  d.He was eating too much

5.Whom did Peter meet at the garden

a.His mother                        c.Mr.McGregor                     e.Brother

b.Flopsy                                d.Mrs.McGregor



Reading 2

Leading   TV-Adverstising

Company with broadcast interests worldwide seeks a specialist will design studies to determine consumer preferences and write reports for use within the company. Candidates must have a college degree with courses in research. Must also have experience in advertising. Outstanding oral, written, and computer skills are necessary. Downtown location benefits.

6.What does this job involve?

a.Making TV commercials                 c.Advertising product                    e. Distributing products

b. Discovering what consumers like          d.Testing product

7.Who will use the reports the specialist writes?

a.The consumer                                  c.The manufacturers                        e.The non profit company

b.The Television station                     d.The TV Advertising company

8.What qualification should the candidate have

a.Education in research and experience in advertising                d.A degree in broadcasting

b.Experience in television                                                                  e.Experience in publishing product

c.Ability in accounting


Reading  3.

Operate  Fan

1.Plug the power cord into a wall outlet (AC 120 volts 60 Hz)

2.To make the fan move sideways, push the pin on top of the motor

3.To move the fan up or down, first pull up the oscillating pin, then press the tilt adjustment knob

4.To change the speed on the fan, press one of the switches at the bottom


9.How do you power the fan?

a. by adjusting the knob                c. by pulling up the oscillating pin         e .By pressing the switch off

b. By pressing the switches          d. By plugging the power cord into a wall outlet

10.We change the speed of the fan by…

a.Pushing the oscillating pin         c.Pressing  the tilt adjustment               e.Plugging the power cord

b.Pulling up the oscillating pin one of the switches at the bottom

11.After pulling up the oscillating pin, we can move the fan up or down by ….

a.Pressing the swiches at the bottom         c.Adjusting the motor of the fan      e.Plugging the power cord

b.Pressing the tilt adjustment the knob     d.Pushing the oscillating pin

12.To make the fan move sideways, push the oscillating pin.

a.fix                                       c.Press                               

b.turn                                   d.switch

13.Pushing the pin on top of the motor, if we want to…

a.plug the power cord          c.move the fan  up and down           e.power the fan

b.make the fan mov side ways     d.change the speed of the fan


Reading  4.

Going to Pangandaran Beach

Ajie and Nugi are brther. They live in Pemalang. Last Monday evening , they went  to Pangandaran beach in west Java on their holiday. They left on Monday evening by bus , because they  hoped that they could arrive at Pangandaran area on Tuesday morning.

They found a hotel first on their arrival on this point of interest. They had a rest while enjoying the beautiful beach and after that  they visited Nature Reserve Cangkrungan and enjoyed delicious lunch in the restaurant. In the afternoon they swam at pananjung.

On the second day at their visit, they went to Karang nini  and Batu Hiu. On Thursday they went to Grand  Canyon and Batu layar in Parigi. They came back from Pangandaran to Pemalang the following day.

They didn’t  buy anything for their souvenir  but they took many picture to remind them about their visit to Pangandaran.They felt very tired but they were very happy.


14.The following is a part of the generic structure of the text above…

a.definition                  c.identification                     e.resolution

b.description               d.orientation

15.The following is the reorientation of the text above

a.They left on Monday evening by bus        d.They found a hotel first on their arrival

b.They felt  very tired but they were very happy                   e.On the second day at their visit they went to

c.They come back on the following day                                       Karang Nini and Batu Hiu

16.When did the boys swim at Penanjung ? the morning                       c.In the evening                         e.on Friday

b.on Tuesday                             d.on Wednesday

17. How many days stay in Pangandaran tourist resort?

a.One day                                   c.Three days                                e.five days

b.Two days                                 d.Four days

18.What place did the boys visit at last?

a.Nature Reserve Cangkrungan             c.The swimming pool Pananjung       e.Jatijajar cave

b.Karang Nini  and Batu Hiu                   d.Grand Canyon and Batu Layar


Reading 5.

The Lion was having a nap when a little mouse woke him up. The lion was annoyed so he picked up the little mouse and threatened to eat him up.

“Please spare me, oh, king of the jungle. If you do, I will do something for you one day!” begged the mouse. “What ! a little thing like you ? Ha! This is really funny” laughed the lion. Then he got the little mouse free because he thought that the little creature did not even taste good.

Several days later when the lion was walking in the jungle, he got into a trap. He struggled hard, but he still could not free himself. When he was about to give up, the little mouse came.He gnawed at the ropes of the net and then said,”Didn’t you once laugh at me for being little? Look how I have saved your life today?”


19.The story happen in the…

a.swamp            b.field           c.jungle          d.village            e.kingdom

20.What was the lion doing? It was….

a.eating        b.a nap       c.getting up              d.waking up                  e.drinking

21…..,s he picked up the little mouse and treated  to eat him up. What what does the word he refers to?

a.The lion       b.the little mouse       c.The mouse                d.The writer     e. The reader

22.How could the lion be free from the problem?

a.The lion walked into the trap   c.The mouse gnawed at the net and set it free  e.the lion free the mouse

b.The lion kill the little mouse     d.The mouse woke up the lion

23.From the story we can learn…..


a.don’t put your friend in the trouble        c.don’t underestimate those who are smaller

b.strength is always useful when we are in trouble your friend      e. be careful  to others


Reading 6.


Dear Sue,

All right, I’ll tell you where I am going to take you when you stay at my place next month. The place is called  Coban Ronda. It’s a small waterfall about 20 kms from my home. We can go there in my Dad’s car. Then we’ll have to walk about 10 minutes reach the waterfall. It’s really beautiful. The water is crystal clear and very cold. Believe me, you’ll love it. And don’t you worry, I’ll take you to some other beautiful places too. See you in June.

Yours truly,


24.According to the post card above, these statements are true , except…

a.Coban Rondo is near to the street            c.It’s quite easy to reach Coban Rondo      d.Sue has married

b.Kim never visit Coban Rondo                    e.Malang has many good places to visit

25.The word it in “Believe me, you will love it” refer to…

a.Mira’spost card     b.Coban Rondo   c.The journey       d.The water         e. Malang

26.Coban Rondo is a small…

a.river     b.waterfall

27. How is the water there?

a.Clear     b.Cold        c.Red        d.Crystal clear        e.Crystal clear and cold

28.Who is sender of the letter?

a.Sue      b.Dear Sue         c.Albert Smith       d.Mira            e.Mira’s Dad


Reading 7.

Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum is a place to preserve the historical evidence of Mr.Soeharto’s struggle and service to the country and nation from early independence up to era of national development.

As a tourist object this museum also houses a number of the finest works of art presented Mr. and Mrs. Soeharto by friends as well as colleagues from all corners of the world.

Through this booklet, one will have a glimpse at Purna Bhakti Museum. It covers the meaning and material of the existing  collections, consisting of various kinds and forms of the works art which makes this museum appealing to visit.

29.The text tells us about…

a.The present for Mr. and Mrs. Soeharto.       C.The purna bhakti museum as a tourist object

b.The booklet          d.Location of purna bhakti museum    e.A tourist object in Jakarta

30.The writer try to describe …

a.A place in specific way     b.A thing in general      c.A place    d.a place as an object  e.A thing in specific

31.The second paragraph tells the readers about tha…

a. general classification      b.general identification      c.description     d.sequence       e.orientation

32The characteristic of purna bhakti museum can be found in

a.paragraph 1.      B.paragraph 2       c.paragraph 3    d.none of them     e.classification

33.The main idea of paragraph three is…

a.The description of the museum      c.the definition of the museum     e.The museum

b.the description of the museum’s value        d.the location of the museum


Reading 8

Afraid of Needles

When I was in the first year of elementary school , all the students had to be inoculated against certain disease. I was so afraidof needles that when the doctor came to my class, I started to cry . When I saw my friends getting injection, I became so nervous that I ran out of the classroom.My teacher try to catch me and with everyone watching and laughing, I got my injection. It was so emarrasing!

34.When did the story happened? When the writer in the …of elementary school.

a.first    b.second   c.third       d.fourth    e.fifth

35.Why did the writer cry?

a.Because of the doctor arrival       c.because of the lost of book   e.because of the needles

b.because of the noughties child in her class           d.because of the candy

36.How did she feel at the time? She felt..

a.Sad   b.afraid    c.happy        d.angry         e.embarrassed


Reading 9.

We need a few more Tigers

Fortune advertising is our hunting for people and for business. We’ve recently made one big kill in harmless with our partner DDB Needham Worldwide and we’ve got more targets in our sights. We need:

-Accounts Executive (Code AE)         -Senior Copywrite (Code CW)      -Account Planner

We’ve equal opportunity employers. We’re looking for people who are university graduates, ideally in communication, age up to 27 for  AE and 35 for AP and CW, with fluency in bahasa Indonesia and English and at least 4 years experience in agency handling multinational accounts. For the AE and AP some background in marketing and research would  be a valuable plus.And we’re looking for self motivated, hungry tigers.

Write to us with the code for the job you’re seeking in the left hand corner of the envelope and send it to us in confidence not later than April 2006 in our new  lair.

PT Harapan Indonesia

Jl Andira Raya 105, Jakarta 1007

37.What kind of text is it ? it is a…

a.brochure        b.advertisement        c. application         e.announcement

38.What does hungry tigers means?

a.Lions     b.Someone who has angry      c.big and strong person     d.employers at part time

e.someone who has self motivated  and enthusiastic to work

39. What would be valuable plus for  the AE and AP?

a.Fluency in English     b.University  graduates    c.background in marketing and research

d.At least 4 years experiences in agencies    e.vocational graduates

40.The statements are correct except,…

a.officer    b.secretary        c.applicant        d.customer


Reading 10

Raffles was born in 1781 on a ship in Jamaica, joined the English East India Company at the age of 14, as the lowest form of  clerk and worked in London until he was sent to Penang in Malaysia in 1803. By the time time the six month sea voyage was over, he had taught himself in Malay. As assistant secretary to the Governor of Penang , he did all the important jobs and his spare time researched  local history and customs. Raffles liked the people and respected them.

In 1808 the ccmpany transferred him to Malacca, further down south, to gather intelligence about Java. England was at war with Napoleon  and worried that the French fleet would use the Dutch colony of Java. The English blockede Java. The French, who were in nominal control, quickly surrendered to the British army. The victory was hardly noticed back in Europe

41.Raffles was born in …

a.1781     b.1871     c.1718          d.1817                e.1178

42.Had Raffles ever worked in Malaya?

a.No.he hasn’t    b. yes he has he hadn’t     d.yes he had       e.never

43. As assistant secretary to the governor   of Penang , he did ….he refers to

a.governor     b.Raffles       c. secretary       d.assistant       e.president

44.In Raffles’ spare time, he liked ….

a.researching local history  and customs       c.researching customs            e.the people respected them

b.the people                                                        d.researching local history

45.When  was he transferred to Malacca

a.1880    b.1080       c.1808            d.1008            e.1800


Reading  11.


If you want to advance in your career, you will have to make some careful decisions about which jobs you take, evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your career. It may mean sacrifices at first. You may have to move to a different region or a different country to get a job that is right for you. You job that offers you the experience that you need. But you should never accept a job if it is not related to your career goals.

Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give you the training or experience you need or want. You will find yourself frustrated in such a position and consequently will not perform your best. This will have an effect on the people around you, who will not feel  as if you are being part of the team. The best  advice is to think carefully before accepting any position and make sure the job is one you want to have.

46.   The most significant factor in evaluating a job is …

a.       How much you will like it

b.      Value to your career

c.       Salary

d.      Location

e.      Sacrifices

47.    What is not mentioned as a sacrifice for a valuable job ?

a.       To move to different country

b.      No benefits

c.       Low salary

d.      Bad hours

e.      Moving

48.    Kind of job we should never accept is ….

a.       One not related to your career goals

b.      One that you need the experience

c.       One that you work hard

d.      One that has a negative effect on people around you

e.      One that requires a long commute

49.    What is wrong with taking a job outside your career path ?

a.       You will earn less

b.      You won’t perform as well

c.       People will give you advice

d.      You will be part of a team

e.      You will have an effect

50.   What is the author’s best advice ?

a.       Take the first job offered

b.      Consider changing careers

c.       Don’t work with other people

d.      Think before accepting a job

e.      Don’t work carefully